
UM cares about pedestrians on campus as a support for the Green Transportation program. The benefits of walking are many for the health of the body and the reduction of vehicle pollution in the UM campus environment. UM provides, repairs, and improves the quality of pedestrian facilities every year. As a result, the UM academic community can use pedestrian facilities integrated with a healthy, clean, green environment. In addition, this integration concept motivates and encourages the academic community to reduce the use of vehicles on campus.

Sebagian besar Mahasiswa berjalanan kaki untuk pindah dari gedung satu ke gedung lainnya
Setiap pedestrian di UM memiliki fasilitas penutup agar pejalan kaki terlindungi dari panas matahari maupun hujan
Suasana yang hijau dan asri menambah kenyamanan pejalan kaki di area kampus UM