UM Green Campus Team

The UM Green Campus team consists of Lecturers, Education Personnel, and Students who are fully dedicated to realizing an environmentally sound and sustainable UM. UM Green Campus is established under the auspices of the Centre of Environment, Mitigation, and Disaster, Research and Community Service Institutions. The organizational structure of UM Green Campus is as follows:

No Name Position
1. Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd. Rector (Protector)
2.Prof. Dr. Puji Handayati, S.E.Ak., M.M., CA, CMAVice Rector II for Planning, Resources, and Business (Builder)
3. Prof. Dr. Markus Diantoro, M.Si.Head of Research and Community Service Institution (General Responsibility)
4. Dr. Hary Suswanto, S.T., M.T.Secretary of Research and Community Service Institution (Financial Responsibility)
5. Dr. Heni Masruroh, S.Pd., M.Sc Head of Centre of Environment, Mitigation, Disaster of LPPM UM (Program Responsibility)
6. Prof. Dr. Sunaryono, S.Pd., M.SiDirector of Facilities, Infrastructure and Assets (Facilities and Infrastructure Responsibility)
7. Prof. Dr. Sumarmi, M.Pd Leader of UM Green Campus
8. Utomo Pujianto, S.Kom, M.Kom.Member of Team
9. Prof. Dr. Sugeng Utaya, M.SiMember of Team
10. Prof. Dr. Fatchur Rohman, M.Si Member of Team
11.Faul Hidayatunnafiq, S.Kom., M.MMember of Team
12.Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hanafi, S.Ag., M.Fil.I.Member of Team
13.Putri Maharani, S.Pd., M.PdMember of Team
14.Choirul Anam, M.PdMember of Team
15.Listyo Yudha Irawan, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Sc.Member of Team
16.Dr. Tuti Mutia, M.PdMember of Team
17.Seli Septiana Pratiwi, S.Pd., M.PdMember of Team
18.Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, S.Pd., M.PdMember of Team
19.Indra Fardhani, S.Pd, M.Sc, M.I.L., Ph.DMember of Team
20.Dr. Vivi Novianti, M.SiMember of Team
21.Septa Katmawati, S.Gz., M.KesMember of Team
22.Anie Yulistyorini, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.DMember of Team
23.Dr. Helga Graciani Hidajat, S.Pd., M.AMember of Team
24.Abdul Rahman Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.PdMember of Team

Students Team:

NoName Department Job Position
1. Robby Hilmi Rachmadian, S.Pd, MCE. GeographyWebsite Manager
2. Natasya Shaherani, S.Pd.Geography Content Creator
3. Syah Rizal, S.Pd.Geography Content Creator
4.Adellia Wardatus Sholeha, S.Pd., M.Pd.GeographyContent Creator
4. A. Riyan Hakiki, S.Pd., M.Pd.Geography Data Analyst
5. Abid FebriansyahGeography Data Analyst
6.Martha Abymanyu Ragil AtmajaGeography Data Analyst
7.Annisa RahmawatiGeography Data Analyst
8.Zulfa Mukhlisul HabibiyahGeography Team Assistant
9.Tegar Anak PurnomoGeography Team Assistant
10.Ainun MaghfirohGeographyTeam Assistant
11.Agung Nugroho B.GeographyTeam Assistant
12.Annisa’ul KusniyahPhysicsTeam Assistant
13.Muhammad Naufal MubarokHistoryTeam Assistant